the years, a man peoples a space with images of provinces, kingdoms,
mountains, bays, ships, islands, fishes, rooms, tools, stars,
horses, and people. Shortly before his death, he discovers that the
patient labyrinth of lines traces the image of his own face.
-- Jorge Luis Borges
The Master of Arts in Liberal Studies (MALS) is an
interdisciplinary graduate degree program at Brooklyn
College. Its small, discussion-oriented classes offer multiple
perspectives on the theme of human nature as it has been considered
during different historical periods and in different cultures. These
viewpoints are taken from such diverse disciplines as communications,
the humanities, and the social, natural, and computer sciences. In
studying these perspectives, students receive a broad background in the
liberal arts and sciences, enabling them to understand modern
developments in these areas. Students have the option of selecting
elective courses to concentrate on an area of study, such as fine arts
religion, sociology, literature, history, media, etc.
The Degree
MALS may be used to broaden an undergraduate
education which was technical or highly specialized, to continue an
interdisciplinary education, or to pursue a career in an area which
values a broad liberal arts background, such as law, government,
education, communications, philanthropy, publishing, sales, public
relations, journalism, museum administration, etc. It is also valuable
to men and women who simply wish to learn, to improve their intellectual
skills, and to enrich their lives.
The Program welcomes part-time and full-time
students. It attracts adult students of all backgrounds who recognize
that learning is a lifelong process. They seek intellectual stimulation
and independence, personal and professional growth that are not always
available in more traditional, discipline-based courses of study.
Students have included an engineer, the administrator of a drug
rehabilitation program, an associate college registrar, a
home-restoration specialist, a lawyer, teachers, a corporate art
department director, etc. MALS is ideally suited to students who have
daytime responsibilities. All courses meet in the evening.
Outstanding scholars in MALS have been honored to
participate in the Graduate Student Colloquium presented by the Office
of Graduate Studies and Research, which published
of their presentations on its Web site.
Brooklyn College is a member of the Association
of Graduate Liberal Studies Programs, an international organization
of Colleges and Universities that oversees the curricula, standards and
activities of MALS programs.
Club hosts social and academic events open to all graduate students, their families and friends, prospective
students, and faculty.